Awarding of ISO 9001:2008
Mangli Djaya Raya has been awarded ISO 9001:2008 on April 5th, 2011. The
award, which was submitted by Governor of East Java Sukarwo, is intended for
companies that have fulfilled the criteria of award receiver.
Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2008) is documented
procedures and standard practices for system management, with the objective of
assuring compatibility of process and product (good and service) towards
particular necessity or requirement. These particular necessity or requirement
are determined or specified by customer and organization.
The benefits of ISO 9001:2008 implementation are as follows:
- Improving costumer trust
- As the guarantee of process and product quality
- Increasing company productivity and market share
- Strengthening employee motivation, innovation, and
- As the analysis instrument for company’s competitors
- Improving mutual relationship with suppliers
- Improving cost efficiency and product safety
- Improving means of internal communication
- Building the positive image of company
- Establishing the documented system of work
- As the medium of training and education